Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brazilian Wax Wilmington, Nc

! (Conclusion 2011).

Este fin de semana hemos festejado a nuestro Patrón.

El sábado tuvo lugar el primer acto de la hermandad de San Isidro, tras la misa de difuntos de la hermandad, se realizó la cata del vino, junto al pequeño candelorio, en casa del hermano Mayor, José González.
La noche se prestaba a compartir una copa y un baile en la verbena de la Plaza, con el grupo "Cal y Canto".

El domingo nos despertamos con la diana floreada de la banda de música, que posteriormente, pattern accompanied the tour Mochin, San Isidro, for our people. The Mass was enlivened by the Choir of Our Lady of Guide to "the mass of jacks" and the Ode to San Isidro. It is gratifying to continue listening to the rhythms and flavored letrillas Pedroches in the liturgy to celebrate the patron saint of farmers.

After the Mass was held on invitation of Brother and thereafter, were given the charge to the next brother, Felicio.

Wine Tasting in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother After collecting and authorities on the way to the Church.

pattern output.

Novice launching a rocket.

The procession as it passes through the C / San Isidro.
Big Brother with the President and Secretary.

Young people in the Brotherhood.

Image of San Isidro with his oxen.

Treat Big Brother.

The most animated the party, Felicio and Michael (as usual).
And the rockets that are missing.
This year we celebrated San Isidro on the campaign trail for the city.
The Pattern "attached" to candidates.

Together, yet so far ...


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