Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Volleyball Sweaty Crotch

Easter Mochin. Cry, Songs of Passion and Procession of the Borriquita.

Doña. Lourdes Perez Regalado during his opening speech.

started on Saturday with "Cry III Alcaracejos Holy Week, "by Dona Lourdes Perez Regalado and held in the Hall of Peaceful Coexistence with the room full of Mojinos and Mojinos. The proclamation began with a reading of some historical data of the Fraternities and Brotherhoods Mochin, to then offer a journey through the passion of Jesus. A serious and deep cry Christian sentiment during much of it was marred by the lack of consideration and lack of respect for some attendees.

the end of the Proclamation, from local guilds, the gave a good group of Mochin with great skill and dedication are making much of the banners and other regalia of our guilds.

After this act of Drums and Bugles Banda "El Calvario" delighted the audience with three pieces of his repertoire.

Group has made embroidery.

New banner for Ntro. Padre Jesus Nazareno made by this group of Mochin.

Recognition of the Brotherhood.
Sunday Morning Palm began with the traditional "Songs of Passion, performed by choir members Virgen de Guía, who conducted a tour of the streets.
interpretation of the Passion in Residence A. Mansilla.

One stop in the Plaza de Los Pedroches.

The last stop on "control."
A letter from the Song of the Passion.

Sunday was the first procession of the new step of the Brotherhood of Borriquita, nice step that enhances the image of its owner.

image borriquita Jesus in the next step.

Village children accompany the statue of Jesus dressed in Hebrew.

afternoon accompanied the passage of the procession in Alcaracejos.

One of the most beautiful traditions is to "authorize the palms" hopefully not miss this tradition in our town.
Moment of the procession of Sunday Ramospor New Street.


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