Friday, April 29, 2011

Lord Of The Rings, Streaming

project an interactive nursery Velez Rubio, Almeria ...

The project of this care, carried out by architects Alejandro
Eva Luque and Pascual
LosdelDesierto , born of idea that children have a home. A sloping roof, a rectangular base, and a neatly placed doors and windows can identify them immediately, and very young. In this sense, a nursery is not just a house bigger than theirs, which have fun and play with other children.

This idea, although with some modifications, has been the starting point for the architects, who began
'house by the roof '
. A huge slab structural folds itself to doubling the height of the only plant that has the nursery. Thus, the construction is adapted to the height of other nearby buildings, as well as give more breadth to the interior. On the roof is located a large proportion of installations: plumbing, telecommunications and lighting system.

Under the imposing Cuberta were distributed
8 classrooms divided into three groups, depending on the age of the children. In addition, there is also a multipurpose dining room, kitchen and administration facilities y personal, todas distribuidas alrededor de un patio central. Las aulas cuentan con salida al patio exterior.

Huyendo de proponer edificios anónimos y queriendo responder a necesidades y usos específicos, el estudio decidió
evitar las tradicionales ventanas
. En su lugar optó por aberturas circulares y semicirculares en las que además de doble vidrio de seguridad se colocaron butirales de colores: magenta, amarillo-verdoso y azul. El resultado es una divertida y decorativa fachada que favorece la creatividad de los niños. Con la iluminación develops an attractive night game of colored lights.

The interior
, LosdelDesierto wanted to differentiate the adult world of children with different coatings and finishes . On the walls of the nursery the boundary between the two worlds was marked with a socket at a height of 1.30 m, which coincides with the line of sight of children. Color vinyl lining the wall from the base to the ground in the world of children, which also allows easy cleaning. The cradle to the concrete roof construction is visible.

is because the color
is of vital importance in this project, the architects explained: "The use of color in ages early is very important, infants use color to differentiate, to have and build, and to interact with the world around them. Everything is an event, play, suck, smell, in a constant development of the senses. "

LosdelDesierto are Eva Alejandro Luque and Pascual (
Elap architects
) ...


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