Monday, September 20, 2010

How Many Minutes Do We Gain Each Day

In memory of Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva

Michel Miguel Chavez speech at the funeral of Juan Manuel Covarrubias
Leyva, former President
Armory Municipal, State of Colima. Mexico.

In antiquity, the Greeks believed that if it rained, when the children of the country died, it was a providential sign, for the Gods of Olympus, in the waters that symbolize life, we sent their congratulations to the mother land, erect, received in her lap the dead body of people by far, had served with honor, vital time. (Words spoken in reference to it was raining).

very respectable turnout.

thanking Mr. President Municipal use of voice, in his person, with the coming of the Covarrubias family friends Leyva, we express our gratitude to the kindness of the Honorable City Council for its initiative in organizing this ceremony.

Similarly, our solidarity and affection, testimónianos families Mendez Covarrubias Covarrubias Leyva and his amiable acquiescence, to honor with this fitting tribute, the life and work of our mutual friend Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva. Relatives and friends


OK, loss of life, productive middle age is not easy. Questions about this particular, often make it difficult to answer, though, it teaches us daily that our passage through this region is of cycles, and we must get used to that earthly life is a gift only passenger, in which only have an opportunity to transcend through our works.

In this situation, for voice, by the capital letter esteem and affection, solidarity, as in life, I teamed up with Juan Manuel, as well as painful, it is profoundly difficult to express my ideas wisely my feelings and thus honor the life and work of our esteemed and always well remembered friend Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva.

Due to the closeness with his family many years ago, I met Juan Manuel as a child, restless, playful, respectful, but always reserved in the Treaty, particularly that identified him all his life. In his youth, he was part of the volleyball and basketball teams that represent our people in state and national competitions.

His life and works were the product de la cultura del esfuerzo. En efecto, al concluir su educación secundaria tuvo que salir del pueblo para estudiar en la Escuela Normal de Ciudad Guzmán. Al culminar su carrera profesional, fue comisionado, para cumplir con su labor docente, en el Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco. De regreso a su amada tierra, y en respuesta a su permanente deseo de superación, concluyó la carrera de derecho en la Universidad de Colima.

En vida, Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva, además de incondicional, sincero y leal con sus amigos, fue maestro por vocación, abogado por formación, deportista de por vida y servidor público por convicción. No fumaba, no tomaba, no se desvelaba y fue muy exigente en sus hábitos alimenticios. Por ello, no me explico, porque, se nos adelanta en el camino, para rendir tributo a la tierra en la que nació y a la que sirvió con pasión.

En este orden de ideas, convencido estoy, que la vida es un torbellino tan impredecible como inimaginable que en ocasiones nos lleva por senderos excepcionales y, cierto estoy, que lo único que no cambia, es el pasado, en donde no existe el hubiera. Por ello, hasta cierto punto, me siento culpable, de las angustias que en su vida pública tuvo que enfrentar Juan Manuel y su familia.

Sí amigos míos.

Con la certeza de no separarme un ápice de la encomienda recibida, consiéntaseme hablar en primera persona.

Cuando el people gave me their trust to coordinate their efforts, profile wise, quiet, discreet and conciliatory, Juan Manuel asked me help in the Directorate of Public Security and more words, fewer words, remember that I said "Boss, I'm teacher and me, politics does not concern me. " (In his daily dealings, so I said: "Chief"). After then, I had to resort to the good offices of Professor Ruben Tinoco and his fellow student and lifelong friend, my friend Ruben Velez to convince and I'm certain, like everyone has, it was a good Director of Public Safety .

Thus, with the light and experience Ruben Tinoco teachers' acanthus and Drusus Petra Alfonso Escalante, more, the willing and thoughtful contribution to the then young Ruben Velez, Rosie Perez, Carlos Cruz, Delia Gomez, J. Jesus Perez, Luis Manuel Jaramillo and Ricardo Gil Trujillo, with the intention to work Armory, we assemble a great team, again a great team, where the average age was 26 years. And we all became clear, that this management team completed its 31 December 1991.

diligent in his times and circumstances, for his perseverance and work, with its own light, most of these young men have held the most honorable of charges can aspire to a citizen armeritense and voice, respectful of the times and circumstances, always, without losing the friendship, discretion, Armory, I've kept a safe distance.

In this context, Juan Manuel, like other young people in comment, did their duty. Indeed, humility is gained the respect of law enforcement officers and the confidence of society in general, allowing him to repeat in the subsequent administration charge.

The Policy Institute of his closest friends, my party, headed the Municipal Committee where he expanded his circle of friends to reach the city hall, where also far, he turned to his people. In all neighborhoods and communities, though small, there are works that perpetuate their memory.

For just one example, repaired the drainage of the downtown area, which had not been maintained since its construction in the administration of Rosa María Macías Spirit. In the main garden, built ramps for the handicapped friends, thus initiating a new culture of respect for our brothers and sisters with disabilities. As a good sportsman, rehabilitated the sports, placed ceilings and floors in the Auditorium Professor Ruben Tinoco Alcántar and built, for the pride of Armory, the Casa de la Cultura.

In their quest for our spa tourism projects in Cuyutlán, arranged with the then governor Silverio Cavazos paving the main road, construction of the kiosks and the refurbishment of its pier, who today cast new urban physiognomy most traditional resort in the west of the Republic.

political campaign in the past, I know, that he asked the then candidate for Governor Mario Moreno Anguiano included in the agenda of the one hundred works, the gates of paradise spa and rehabilitation of national highway in the stretch of Nezahualcoyotl and Cuauhtémoc avenues. So how, the restoration of central medians Avenida Manuel Alvarez of this city. For your satisfaction, carefully, from inside his home in privacy, rejoiced at the opening of these important works.

memories In this framework, those who had the fortune to share feelings, friendships and experiences, learn about the anxieties enlarge Juan Manuel was primarily, if not enough local resources to provide timely responses to the just demands of society . Tensions and concerns in more than one occasion broke their health.

In this vein, synthesized, Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva, weighted for the few and misunderstood by many, was an exceptional human being, honest public service, talented in their daily lives, working in their responsibilities, in short, was a man of great worth.

In Armory, with strengths and weaknesses, we all know, no one can fool anybody. Therefore, the people's knowledge, that Juan Manuel never got rich under the public service. Consequently, his life and work, in these moments of pain, should serve as a strength and example. His legacy is far superior to those, so vilified.

Yes my friends, in this time of grief, we must make a stop on the way to reflect on the importance of unit, as the only viable strategy to work for the greatness of Armory. On more than one occasion, I said, and today, again I repeat, in Armory, with different names and different names, are one big family. When no blood ties, or are godparents or godchildren or we are compadres, in short, we are one big family. Therefore, I insist, it is time to eliminate rancor, it's time to lower shields, color they are, and just keep upright the only banner that unites us, the flag Armory.

Therefore, in recognition of his tireless work, the tenacity of their efforts, the brightness of his intelligence, perseverance of their aspirations and moral value of their actions, here and now, to share with your family this fitting tribute, we assume the public commitment to continue its proven example.

Before concluding, we express our gratitude to the solidarity of our fellow citizens who are active in other parties other than Juan Manuel, who with great respect, they accompany us in our pain.

the foregoing, in the aspect of this significance, with the honorable representation of the Honorable Constitutional City Armory, the former mayor colleagues and friends of Juan Manuel, with respect to his wife Martha, his children, his aunt (who always respected her second mother, his brothers and sisters, their sisters and brothers, nephews and other relatives here and now, we endorse our greater solidarity and friendship point. Family

Covarrubias Juan Manuel Leyva, feel deeply proud of the life and work of her husband, father and brother. Pride that we also share. Rest in peace

our colleague and friend Juan Manuel Covarrubias Leyva.

you soon my friend.

Armory, Col. Sept. 18, 2010.


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